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Kemp LoadMaster 2400 Load Balancer

Kemp LoadMaster 2400 Load Balancer

Kemp's LoadMaster 2400 ADC is an affordable and feature-rich server load balancer. Featuring enhanced SSL acceleration capabilities coupled with intelligent Layer 7 application content switching it delivers on the needs of administrators to support an increased number of secure connections for their application deployments. The LoadMaster deterministically and efficiently distributes user requests among web and application servers to ensure that end users have the best possible experience.


LoadMaster 2400 gives IT administrator’s greater control, enabling them to easily adapt to network changes by providing a resource optimization layer in front of physical and virtual application systems.


The LM 2400 is an essential component to include for the high availability of critical application infrastructures with diverse application delivery and load balancing needs. Combining the latest advancements in Layer 4 and Layer 7 application delivery technology, LoadMaster is the Load Balancer of choice for providing high availability services in

IT web and application infrastructures.


• Servers Supported: 256 Virtual and 1000

  Real Servers


• Max Balancer Throughput Up To 1.2Gbps


• Max Interface Throughput 4 X 949.2Mbps


• 45,000 L7 (http) requests per second


• 75,000 L7 concurrent connections


• SSL Acceleration Up to 1000 TPS


All-in-One Application Delivery Control  from America's  Premier Kemp Partner, Corporate Armor.

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